Wednesday, April 9, 2008

getting inspired 50#

  1. take a 48-hours computer vacation.
  2. try meditation.
  3. learn something new that isnt directly related to your job.
  4. find a mentor you admire.
  5. change the scenery - an environmental shift.
  6. form a sketching habit.
  7. set a 30-days creative challenge.
  8. pretend you are not a graphic designer.
  9. find an accountable goal buddy.
  10. play - beat the clock.

  1. search out old books and magazines at antique or junk shops.
  2. ditch the museum and appreciate children's artwork.
  3. keep a found object collection.
  4. brush up on paper and printing techniques.
  5. go on a fact-finding mission.
  6. review past projects and sketches.
  7. stop being so serious.
  8. get up and move around.
  9. ask for advice and get a fresh perspective.
  10. draw something 50times - stretch your idea generating capability.

  1. board games would help bond your sense of wonder.
  2. go shopping on a retail tour.
  3. word exercise -  write 100words about your project in your first thought.
  4. experiment with different softwares.
  5. buy new school supplies.
  6. figure out creative crutches; then throw them out.
  7. pretend every client is your favorite.
  8. rearrange your office - reorganized things for a creative boost.
  9. write your dream professional bio.
  10. get back in touch with what made you so excited bout design.

  1. pull out your portfolio and see where you started.
  2. make a change in your daily routine.
  3. log off internet - flip through books randomly in library.
  4. accept a freelance job that's completely different from your regular work.
  5. look for inspiration at a least likely place.
  6. start an informal critique group.
  7. consider bringing handmade elements into your work.
  8. make creative a habit.
  9. keep random lists.
  10. pick 2 people, countries, or brands that seem like polar opposites.

  1. question your assumptions.
  2. look for inspiration in the everyday objects around you.
  3. hire a creativity coach.
  4. teach a class.
  5. keep your own personal rally gear at your desk.
  6. type keywords related to project into google search and hit 'i'm feeling lucky' button.
  7. start over the brainstorming process.
  8. don't look at the clock.
  9. flip open a novel in the middle and read only 2 pages - make predictions and assumptions / give your invention skills a work out.
  10. use something for a purpose other than what was intended.

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