Wednesday, April 30, 2008

too much of anything is
good for nothing.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

education acknowledgement

keeping life organised

up for a laugh,
always in control.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

portion in progress

scrapbooking, i am.

Computer Vision Syndrome

Video Display Terminals (VDT) or computer work 
is strenuous and leads to complex eye and vision problems. 

Visually demanding with the eye shifting and 
focusing between screen, document and keyboard.

Although CVS may not be life threatening, 
it stills holds the distinction of being called,
'the number-one occupational hazard of the 21st century.'

Friday, April 25, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

plans for TODAY

to awake each morning with a smile brightening my face;

to greet the day with reverence for the opportunities it contains;

to approach my work with a clean mind;

to hold ever before me, even in doing of little things, the ultimate purpose towards which i am working;

to meet men and women with laughter on my lips and love in my heart;

to be gentle and kind and courteous through all the hours;

to approach the night with weariness that ever woos sleep and the joy that comes from work well done-

this is how i desire to waste wisely my day.

basic quality

  1. respectful
  2. faithful to marriage
  3. even tempered
  4. self-discipline
  5. friendly & accessible
  6. knowledgeable
  7. not given to drunkenness
  8. not pushy or overbearing
  9. not petty or quarrelsome
  10. not driven by money or materials
  11. good manager of a home
  12. attentive to family
  13. honest & humble
  14. wise in decisions
  15. fair with others
  16. committed to what is good
  17. devoted to what is right
  18. empowered by what is true
  19. strong and steadfast in their faith
  20. able to encourage and correct


everything you have, comes from God


everything that us given to you, is given in trust to you


the blessings that you have, are not just for your own personal benefit


what is given to you, is given that you might share it with others

handling conflict

  1. changed what can be altered.
  2. explain what can be understood.
  3. teach what can be learned.
  4. revise what can be improved.
  5. negotiate what is open to compromise.
  6. accept the rest.

developing self-discipline

  1. start with small things
  2. get yourself organized
  3. dont constantly seek to be entertained
  4. be on time
  5. keep your word
  6. do the most difficult tasks first
  7. finish what you start
  8. accept correction
  9. practice self-denial
  10. welcome to responsibility

benefits of less television

  • children learn to entertain themselves
  • children learn crucial thinking skills while entertaining themselves
  • play encourages problem solving and lengthen a child's attention span
  • it keeps kids moving
  • exposed to values
  • having more family time

Monday, April 21, 2008

graphic design is for

... business success
... therapy
... sale
... art and science
... artists not thinkers
... directing energy
... the rich
... kids who cant draw
... solving complex problems
... the dedicated
... the homepage only
... navigating the details
... a lifetime
... the landfill
... allowing the audience to participate in the process of communication
... users
... reference only
... the beauty of itself
... servicing your concept
... identification, information, presentation, promotion
... looozers
... the customer
... women only
... creating a chain reaction
... misbehaving
... corporate chumps
... the yoga practitioner
... your marketing collateral
... graphic designers
... presentation purpose only
... sissies
... the revolution
... love and money
... everyone's comfort
... making information, ideas, feeling tangible
... people who love to know how things work
... only for the left-handed people
... happy servants
... is for me
... everyone
... the record
... real

Sunday, April 20, 2008

green sit ups

for the sake of lil tummy

allowing unrepentant people to become our best friends
will almost certainly lead to spiritual drift.

in contrast, a close godly friend
challenges us to be our best spiritually.

Friday, April 18, 2008

oops, de' fall

autocity 5520

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

toilet break

this is essential

Monday, April 14, 2008

sesame street

homeschooling days of ABC123'

Forgiveness of sins is the very heart of Christianity, 
and yet
it is a very dangerous thing to preach.

stay in the loop

I was built to be the best
Number one and nothing less
Leave me to my destiny
I have waited patiently
I have vision' oh I believe
I know I can count on me

So stand up for the champions
For the champions stand up
Stand up stand up
For the champions for the champions
Stand up for the champions
For the champions stand up
Stand up stand up
For the champions for the champions
Stand up

Here we go it's getting close
Now it's just who wants it most
It's just like that's how it is
Cause we have our strengths and weaknesses

Oh I have vision' oh can't you see
I'm on the move make way for me

And when I fall down
I have to pick myself back up

So stand up stand up for the champions
For the champions stand up
Stand up stand up
For the champions for the champions
Stand up

Stand up stand up
For the champions for the champions

Stand up'

fun without beer

Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; 
whoever is led astray by them is not wise.
Proverbs 20:1

sometimes it's helpful to take
short frolicking breaks.

listen before judging

:: ztecaholic ::

cheers 08'

Saturday, April 12, 2008

little cuilin

to my life.


time for mirror
time for prayer
time for family
time for contact lense
time for nice bath
time for manicure
time for phone calls
time for msgs
time for good meal
time for weighing
time for resting
time for long sleep
time for complimenting
time for GOD
i need.

slumber party

a car to remember

'facing the giants'

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

getting inspired 50#

  1. take a 48-hours computer vacation.
  2. try meditation.
  3. learn something new that isnt directly related to your job.
  4. find a mentor you admire.
  5. change the scenery - an environmental shift.
  6. form a sketching habit.
  7. set a 30-days creative challenge.
  8. pretend you are not a graphic designer.
  9. find an accountable goal buddy.
  10. play - beat the clock.

  1. search out old books and magazines at antique or junk shops.
  2. ditch the museum and appreciate children's artwork.
  3. keep a found object collection.
  4. brush up on paper and printing techniques.
  5. go on a fact-finding mission.
  6. review past projects and sketches.
  7. stop being so serious.
  8. get up and move around.
  9. ask for advice and get a fresh perspective.
  10. draw something 50times - stretch your idea generating capability.

  1. board games would help bond your sense of wonder.
  2. go shopping on a retail tour.
  3. word exercise -  write 100words about your project in your first thought.
  4. experiment with different softwares.
  5. buy new school supplies.
  6. figure out creative crutches; then throw them out.
  7. pretend every client is your favorite.
  8. rearrange your office - reorganized things for a creative boost.
  9. write your dream professional bio.
  10. get back in touch with what made you so excited bout design.

  1. pull out your portfolio and see where you started.
  2. make a change in your daily routine.
  3. log off internet - flip through books randomly in library.
  4. accept a freelance job that's completely different from your regular work.
  5. look for inspiration at a least likely place.
  6. start an informal critique group.
  7. consider bringing handmade elements into your work.
  8. make creative a habit.
  9. keep random lists.
  10. pick 2 people, countries, or brands that seem like polar opposites.

  1. question your assumptions.
  2. look for inspiration in the everyday objects around you.
  3. hire a creativity coach.
  4. teach a class.
  5. keep your own personal rally gear at your desk.
  6. type keywords related to project into google search and hit 'i'm feeling lucky' button.
  7. start over the brainstorming process.
  8. don't look at the clock.
  9. flip open a novel in the middle and read only 2 pages - make predictions and assumptions / give your invention skills a work out.
  10. use something for a purpose other than what was intended.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

believe in a thousand impossible things
you never believe before

Sunday, April 6, 2008


::strong enough to give you strength when you are down::
::committed enough to sit through storms::
::well enough to know your mind without speaking::

Saturday, April 5, 2008

never knew

years back


990' record

within 15 days
every man
is made to be a



tow free

that's bumble bee!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

internal bleeding

irresponsible: iBook G4

everything just says bubye


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

act of impact

april fool'


fm. 0104

things was always
but now it's in between.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008