Monday, February 25, 2008

visual organization #1: basic observations

good design stems from a thru knowledge of building blocks of design and specifying them appropriately, based on the format and function of an individual project.
evolves from a mindset:
  1. willingness to experiment
  2. confidence in perceptions
  3. recognition that design is  a process, not an event
  4. devotion to detail

design process is simply an extension of the organizing process that began as you developed the concept for your project.
(if you're unclear about the purpose and not decided on the sequence and relative importance of info you wanna communicate, you're in dangerous water)

define project's purpose & environment. don't force to operate subjectively rather objectively. effective design emerges from trials and error. train yourself to constantly analyze the work of others.

there are no good or bad designs, only appropriate and
 inappropriate one. think of design as a means of communication rather than decoration. design and technology should only enhance, not overshadow the message. clarity, organization and simplicity are critical.

provide natural tendency that steers your readers to read from point to point. reconcile the need for both variety and consistency. predictability and symmetry result in boredom. contrast provide dynamic interest and enhance the communicating power of publication.

the cause and the cure

the outcome includes consideration of environment in which your ad or publication will be distributed. inside a publication, design two-page spread instead of individuals. readers seldom encounter just one page but see facing pages together.

restraint is the hardest design principle to apply in a consistent manner. strive from simplicity in design. excessive emphasis weakens your publication to the point where it loses all impact. even the smallest offending details can sabotage the appearance.

proofreading demands a lot of attention to details. be careful of spellings errors before the presses are running.

thumbnail' proofs reveal where design has been sacrificed for expediency. see how spreads look.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

body and health

  • drink less milk tea
  • don't eat toasted bread immediately
  • stay away from chargers
  • drink water in the morning and not at night
  • don't be addicted to coffee
  • reduce on oily food
  • sleep early
  • eat lesser after 5pm
  • do not take alcohol more than a cup
  • take short 15mins nap
  • do not swallow capsule with cold water
  • go for a jog or some exercise
  • use less on ear phones
  • don't read in the dark
  • look less on computer screens

today's verse

do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit,
but in humility consider others better then yourselves.

--philippians 2:3

Saturday, February 23, 2008



eds extra

rolling youth events

MAY 2008






feb 2007

neverfull GM

mural cineplex 2007



christmas 2007



for dummies: chapter #2


break loose from being dependent upon others.

1. Be Proactive.
be prepared to respond in a way that you can feel proud if. even if it requires unearthly hard work. dont blame your parents for what you are today.

2. Begin With The End In Mind.
visual the result or future you want to achieve. make decisions according to your deeply held beliefs, principles and fundamental truth. have a sense of purpose.

3. Put First Thing First.
take full control and stay discipline. 'important' comes first than 'urgent'. 

increase the effectiveness with others and you.

4. Think Win-Win Situation.
seek solution to problems that allow both parties involved in benefits. motivate yourself to improve and believe in abundance. one person's success doesn't necessarily require someone's failure.

5. Understand First, Then Try To Be Understood.
listen with strong intent to fully understand on both intellectual analytical and emotional level before you 'blame'. diagnose before you prescribe.

6. Synergize.
open your mind to fresh, creative ideas and be an agent of innovation. be a peace maker, not boom maker. *gain trust*

7. Sharpen The Saw
balance your work and personal life. never rest on your laurels. keep innovating and refining and have a relentless thrist for learning and exploring.

*ultimate dream of the overworked manager.*

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

: rewire : featuring bus company


some people will believe anything
if it is whispered to them.

clarification of silent mode

phone isn't an essential thing.
n yes, i hardly reply.

*lifelock security*

harmful habit

alarm clock rings...!

what next?



liquid assets

apple + pear + orange + dragon fruit + 
honey melon + starfruit + carrot

= 7in1 daily beverage

dummy's guide


1. break the ice
don't expect people to approach you.

2. get active
be involved and widen your networking.

3. be positive
attitude will determine people's reaction.

4. socialise
make acquaintances with sincerity.

5. develop a routine
includes the time you utilise outside.

6. stay true
nothing big to brag about. no one stealing your limelight.

7. take initiative
ask and find out, grown up kids!

8. appearance matter
first impression counts. take pride in yourself.

9. character development
lastly, its the qualities in you that matters.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008



i don't make jokes
coz i don wanna make myself look silly.


if you read a lot of book,
you are considered as well-read.


if you watch a lot of TV,
you are NOT considered as well-viewed. 

judge a person by their questions
rather than their answers.


everyone tend to make mistake.
the trick is to make mistake when no one is watching.

good looks catch eyes
but good personality catches the heart.

Monday, February 18, 2008


is the word which God has written on the brow of every man.

in short of



i was told that i have only ten years of living. 

wake up pills

mrs. plastic

take off the mask which defines who you wanna be,
and show your inner soul which reflects the person you really are.

back to work

we live, we love,
we forgive and never give up.

most human beings have 
an almost infinite capacity for taking
things for granted

Sunday, February 17, 2008

schizothymes :: cyclothymes

Idealist: Melancholic
Rationalist: Choleric
Traditionalist: Phlegmatic
Hedonist: Sanguine



Friday, February 15, 2008

a week of feb fourteens

for every big and small,
wishes and kisses,
handmades and presents,
it's the heart that counts.
thanks peeps!
it has really really been a great one.

thank you all so so much for making this happen.
feb 14, 2008

est 1988, feb14

Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If I don't mind it, it actually doesn't matter.


Getting older once again isn't so so bad when I consider the alternative.
On the plus side, death is one of those things which can be done by just lying down.



Step one you say we need to talk
He walks you say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through

Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
And you begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

Let him know that you know best
Cause after all you do know best
Try to slip past his defense
Without granting innocence

Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along
And pray to God he hears you
And pray to God he hears you

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

As he begins to raise his voice
You lower yours and grant him one last choice
Drive until you lose the road
Or break with the ones you've followed

He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
And you'll begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life


Artist: Fray
Title: How To Save A Life

Tuesday, February 12, 2008




... ...

it isn't easy to keep a positive attitude in a negative world



established since 1988

mission: reaching out to the darkest secrets
in christian teenagers.


smile is a language of love;
smile is a source to win hearts;
smile is a name of livelihood;
smile creates greatness in personality.

. smile and the world will smile to you .

Sunday, February 10, 2008

big bang

*i know a lot about directions*

i can sense and look at car's headlights 
and tell you EXACTLY which way it's coming.


right and wrong

is a tax for doing wrong.

is a fine for doing right.

disney princess

disney has great casting.
if they don't like an actor, they just tear him/her down.


liquid sabotage

sometimes it's not what you drink,
but how you drink that matters.

  1. social drinking
  2. comfort drinking
  3. drinking with meals
  4. drinking for energy

*sugar intake should not be more than 10percent(%) of your daily calorie requirement.

bout you

dream with your eyes open,
see with your eyes closed.
feed your imagination,
entertain your soul.
catch up with your friends,
hide and stay alone.
remember who you are.
forget who they want you to be.
care bout the little things around you,
care about nothing.'s all about you

the gentleman first practises what he preaches
and then preaches what he practises. 

fukuya fine dining

boil spinach with sesame sauce, nama tako wasabi zuke,
boil green soya bean, smoke tuna, mini spider maki

toro double boil soup
(toro, tofu, mushroom, japanese leek)

[raw fish]
kanpachi, salmon trout, ama ebi, maguro

[grill dish]
shake harasu to shitake hasami yaki
(grill salmon belly stuff with shitake mushroom serve with teriyaki sauce)

[fukuya salads]
tarabakani ashi to yasai salads
(steam alaska crab leg salads with wasabi dressing)

wagyu beef saikoro steak with pan sautee king oyster mushroom

inaniwa udon/garlic fried rice

strawberry with green tea ice cream

'success without honour is an unseasoned dish;
it will satisfy your hunger, but won't taste good.'

Thursday, February 7, 2008


why is abbreviation spelled so long?


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lust for MANGO

fruits stack up:

orange 53mg
papaya 62mg
lemon 46mg
kiwi 98mg
guava 183mg
lychee 72mg
*vitamin C's


sound smart

  1. don't overuse your knowledge.
  2. be passionate when you speak.
  3. apply well being to benefit situations.


if you are the typical type to hold grudge,
you're punishing yourself more than the person you're angry with.

everyone gets mad,
but when negative emotions linger in your body,
they trigger inflammations similar to cigarette smoke!


the white & the black*


but if you're partying hard on the weekdays and
dragging yourself to work the next day,
here's how to do 'damage control':
grab 20min power naps between work to let your body recover.

do the math

1 slice of healthy cake (about 100g)
= 45 minutes swim

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

the bad, wild and ugly

... WAS

english cruise

if one 2 : 2 ; two 3's : 33
if three 4's : 444 ; four 5's : 5555

if one 9 : 9 ; two 9's goes .... ... ?

the man

guys that indulge in games for days and hours 
is a big NONO.

lesson for busy beginners #001

  1. never underestimate yourself
  2. one step at a time
  3. adaptability and flexibility is important
  4. get some rest
  5. fully utilise every single minute
  6. strike a balance
  7. never let opportunity pass you by
  8. good time management is all in good planning
  9. healthy food and supplements
  10. exercise can make or break your day
  11. make a 'NOT-TO-DO' list
  12. don't expect perfection
  13. smiling will get you through the day
  14. passion will drive you
  15. priorities must be organized
  16. dream big
... add on ...


it's no more just music, it's even motion graphics.


  • fun & interesting personality
  • good looks & brainy
  • brilliant smile & friendly
  • dress well & sexy
  • sporting & spontaneous attitude

*happy happy jump jump*

10 commandments of COMPLAINING

1. hold complaints for a day before voicing out.
2. attack a problem, not the person.
3. accept things you cant change & change things you can.
4. limit your complaint to one problem and be specific.
5. choose your battles. attack the important ones first.
6. complaint with an intention to change, not for the sake of winning
7. the battle ground. be in the right place to say the right thing.
8. expecting things to be perfect? change you expectation then.
9. always compliment in between complaining.
10. think of the consequences.

broomless' housekeeping

computers need to be well-behaved either.

reorganisation > disk clean up > defragmentation

10 things NEVER to take for granted

01. ...
02. your health 
03. your conversation with anyone
04. your neatness
05. your achievements 
06. your mistakes 
07. your ego 
08. your potentials given
09. people that cares for you
10. God

Monday, February 4, 2008

super hero