evolves from a mindset:
- willingness to experiment
- confidence in perceptions
- recognition that design is a process, not an event
- devotion to detail
design process is simply an extension of the organizing process that began as you developed the concept for your project.
(if you're unclear about the purpose and not decided on the sequence and relative importance of info you wanna communicate, you're in dangerous water)
define project's purpose & environment. don't force to operate subjectively rather objectively. effective design emerges from trials and error. train yourself to constantly analyze the work of others.
there are no good or bad designs, only appropriate and
inappropriate one. think of design as a means of communication rather than decoration. design and technology should only enhance, not overshadow the message. clarity, organization and simplicity are critical.
provide natural tendency that steers your readers to read from point to point. reconcile the need for both variety and consistency. predictability and symmetry result in boredom. contrast provide dynamic interest and enhance the communicating power of publication.
the cause and the cure
the outcome includes consideration of environment in which your ad or publication will be distributed. inside a publication, design two-page spread instead of individuals. readers seldom encounter just one page but see facing pages together.
restraint is the hardest design principle to apply in a consistent manner. strive from simplicity in design. excessive emphasis weakens your publication to the point where it loses all impact. even the smallest offending details can sabotage the appearance.
proofreading demands a lot of attention to details. be careful of spellings errors before the presses are running.
thumbnail' proofs reveal where design has been sacrificed for expediency. see how spreads look.